The Alexander Technique

Angelique Swallow
Registered Member of:
Angelique Swallow MSTAT  

Education, Workplace the arts, sport

Why is your posture far more important than you think?

The Alexander Technique is your gateway to effortless movement and improved well-being. You will learn how to sit, stand, walk and talk with ease, minimising unnecessary muscular tension and strain in all your daily activities. It empowers you to overcome undesirable reactions to life's challenges, allowing you to rediscover the natural freedom of movement and thinking.

With the expert guidance of an Alexander Teacher, you will learn to recognise and change harmful habits that contribute to:

- Back and neck paint
- Muscle tension and stiffness
- Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
- Breathing and vocal problems
- Anxiety and stress related conditions

The Alexander Technique has been endorsed by doctors, scientists and medical researchers. 97% of people with back pain could benefit by learning the Alexander Technique. Jack Stern - Spinal Neurosurgeon.

The latest and most comprehensive study published showed the Alexander Technique can reduce back pain by a staggering 85%, offering significant long-term benefit. British Medical Journal.

Start your journey towards a pain-free and more relaxed life with the Alexander Techniue. Learn the Alexander Technique to enjoy greater ease of movement, optimum balance and improved coordination, by releasing unnecessary muscular tension. Give yourself a powerful tool to:

- Feel lighter and stronger
- Sit, stand and walk with ease
- Improve presentation & performance skills
- Promote better long term health
- Facilitate recovery from injuries and surgery

Practising the Technique involves no specific exercises, requires no special equipment and can be practised wherever you are and no matter what you are doing. Many world-renowned performers, athletes and artists are enthusiastic supporters and practitioners of the Technique:

The Alexander Technique works... I recommend it enthusiastically to anyone who has neck or back pains - Roald Dahl.

In the hands of a good teacher, the Technique is invaluable to anyone who seeks to maintain healthy physical posture and alignment - Ralph Fiennes.

Start your journey with the Alexander Technique today and experience the profound difference it can make in your life.

Workplace Education sport The Arts